Jurix 2006 Call for Papers

The 19th International JURIX conference will be held in Paris (France) from 7-9 December 2006.

JURIX 2006

JURIX 2006

7-9th December 2006
Paris (France)

Call For Papers


Conference proposal themes will include, but are not limited to, the
following topics and categories:

    • Computational models for legal reasoning and
    • Case-based legal reasoning, deontic reasoning and
      normative reasoning
    • Automated mediation, negotiation and dispute
    • Specialized knowledge representation and logics for
    • Dealing with dynamic, incomplete, contradictory or
      fragmented sources of legal knowledge
    • Semantic Web technologies and knowledge management for
    • Legal ontology creation and knowledge extraction
    • Document standards and electronic publishing of legal
    • Automated semantic indexing, information extraction
      and categorization of legal documents
    • Natural language processing of legal sources
    • Legal discourse modelling and legal reasoning
    • Question answering retrieval in law and governmental
    • Support systems for citizens and administration in
    • Legal electronic agents and their coordination
    • Automated contracting
    • Mobile support systems of legal services
    • Visualization and presentation of legal information
      for efficient consultation.
    • Artificial intelligence in police and intelligence
    • Impact of artificial intelligence on law, legal
      procedures and legal institutions

We welcome full papers and workshop/tutorial/demonstration proposals. We
specifically invite contributions on AI and Law in the forensic domain.

Important Dates

Deadline for submission
tutorial, workshop and demonstration proposals

August 21st 2006

Deadline for submission of

September 4th 2006

Notification of paper acceptance:

October 6th 2006

Camera-ready paper due:

October 15th 2006

JURIX Workshops/Tutorial:

December 7th 2006

JURIX 2006 Main Conference:

December 8-9th 2006


You can contact us by sending an email to Tom van Engers (vanEngers@uva.nl).

Conference Web Site

More details are available at the Conference Web site:


Submissions will be judged amongst other things on originality, significance,
correctness, scholarship and clarity.

Submit an electronic version of your paper in Postscript or PDF via the
conference electronic submission system at http://jurix.leibnizcenter.org/. The paper is restricted to 10 pages.
Source files are preferrably made with LaTeX.

Accepted workshop contributions will be published by
IOS Press. Author instructions and style sheets can be found at the

IOS Press site

Failure to commit to present at the conference automatically excludes a
paper from the proceedings.

Program Committee

Tom van Engers (program chair), Leibniz Center for Law, University
of Amsterdam

Kevin D. Ashley, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Trevor J.M. Bench-Capon, University of Liverpool, UK

